* M.E. Mueller Award 2024 goes to Kamal Deep, MD, UK* Combined ISCAOS plus CAOS-UK membership option available

Benefits for Members of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery

Personal Active (50$) and Student (25$) Membership


  • Reduced rates for annual meetings
  • Right for active and passive election,
  • Eligible to propose and (co-) chair focus group activities,
  • Eligible to participate in focus groups
  • Access to restricted member area on the web site (databases, open source, internal documents, proceedings)
  • Eligible to host annual meetings of the society (after at least 3 years of personal active membership)
  • Student members: Eligible for mentoring / fellowship / traveling grant programs

Personal Active (80$) and Student (40$) Membership plus CAOS UK


  • Same as CAOS International Personal Active/Student Membership - but also includes the Consultant/Trainee & Affiliated Membership of UK National CAOS Society for the year.
  • By selecting this option, you agree, that we also transmit your membership data to CAOS UK.

Institutional Memberships (e.g. research institutes) (400$)

Any established major research society can become an institutional member when admitted by a majority of the Executive Committee. Research Institutes and Clinics can become Institutional Members provided that they are considered to take key functions for new developments in Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.


  • 1 personal active membership (typically the head of institute or another senior researcher active nominated by the institute willing to act as mentor and hosting students in a research lab/clinic (describe key activities + link to be listed in the reference sites list)
  • Up to 3 student memberships (eligible for student mentoring program and reduced conference fees),
    Eligible to be listed as CAOS reference lab (incl. short profile of activities) on the CAOS home page
    1 institutional poster at annual CAOS meetings (non-peer reviewed poster in the exhibition area (i.e. not as part of the scientific poster sessions but as a part of exhibition informing on the institute activities and profiles)
  • Opportunity to post job offers on the member webpage
  • Opportunity to provide one flying banner image with legend ("courtesy of institute xyz") for CAOS home page
  • Opportunity to apply for CAOS grants (small grants o e.g. 500-2000 € based on proposals submitted to the exec board) for the hosting of CAOS student group field trips
  • 250$ discount on the annual meeting exhibition fees

Corporate Membership Application

Small Enterprise (<30M$ - based on self declaration) fee 1000$
Medium and Large Enterprise (>30M$ - based on self declaration) fee 2500$

"Corporate members will be active, but non-voting members of the Society. Corporate members can sit on committees and focusgroups but not chair any committee or focus group except the Commercial Partners Committee"(Int Soc. CAOS bylaws)


  • Are listed with logos and links as corporate sponsors on the society home page
  • Opportunity to post job offers on the member webpage
  • Invitation to actively participate to the annual CAOS conference commercial partners committee (consulting the local organisers)
  • Opportunity to be partner for CAOS student group field trips to industry and research labs
  • Eligible for participation/organising (only if also exhibitor @ the conference) to annual young investigator speed dating workshops at the annual CAOS meeting ("students meet industry") which could be preconf or during a specific sessions of annual meetings of the society

Institutional and corporate membership

If you are interested in an institutional or corporate membership, please contact:

Klaus Radermacher, PhD
Secretary General

International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery

Helmholtz-Institute Aachen
Pauwelsstrasse 20
D-52074 Aachen, Germany

T: +49-241-80-23873
F: +49-241-80-22870


Pauwelsstr. 20, DE-52074 Aachen, Germany
+49 241 80 23873 |