* CAOS Meeting 2025 in Davos – Call for Abstracts –* M.E. Mueller Award 2024 goes to Kamal Deep, MD, UK* Combined ISCAOS plus CAOS-UK membership option available

Dr. Kamal Deep Obituary

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that the CAOS International society announces the passing of Dr. Kamal Deep, the 2024 Muller Award winner, who was truly a visionary in the field of orthopaedic surgery. Born in a small village in India, his brilliance in school was quite evident since early life and more so in mathematics. Guided by such a sense of purpose and leadership, Kamal pursued his calling in surgery, later emigrating to the United Kingdom in 1996 to complete his FRCS.

This search for novelty took Dr. Deep to Australia, where he found the era of change in computer-assisted surgery. He came back to the UK and played a major role in the development of computer assisted and robotic technology; he also inaugurated the British Society for Computer-Assisted Surgery, CAOSUK, in 2005. His pioneering work opened the floodgates for a number of firsts in orthopaedic surgery at the Golden Jubilee National University Hospital in Glasgow.

Besides being such a brilliant contributor to research and clinical practice, he was an inspiration to young surgeons all over the world with his passion and dedication. He remained humble despite gaining great recognition for his work. His friends and colleagues say, "A vital piece of the puzzle in Computer and Robotic Assisted Surgery is now missing."

We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife, son, and family. His legacy will always influence the future of orthopaedic surgery.

for the International Socitey for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery
Eric Stindel, MD, Ph.D., Chairman of the Executive Board
Florian Gebhard, MD, Ph.D., President

Dear colleagues,

Welcome on the website of the CAOS international society! For more than twenty years we bring together engineers, researchers and clinicians, to transform orthopedic surgery, to design a new future, to create new paradigms.

Applied mathematics, computer vision, medical image processing, biomechanics, robotics, rapid prototyping, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, big data processing, cybersecurity are parts of our sources of inspiration.

By taking the best of each community our members are working all around the world to give birth to new prototypes! By merging academics and industrial partners these prototypes are transformed into innovative products used by the surgeons for the benefit of patients!

Assessing these news devices, making them accessible trough initial and continuous education programs, organizing student mentoring programs are some of our main’s activities.

Our annual international CAOS meeting is the best place to exchange ideas, meet colleagues and friends, learn from workshops, create networks… We hope to welcome you there one day, we hope you to act as active members of the society…

We hope you will be an actor of the future. A future where our knowledges and intelligence in the use of resources will help use to preserve the planet.

Eric Stindel, MD, Ph.D.
Chairman, Executive Board

Technical Innovation

Clinical Research

Interdisciplinary Discussions

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